Hello, my name is Mrs. Iredia...

Before we get started I wanted to introduce myself and let you know what this book is about and most importantly what it's NOT about.

I sale digital marketing products, am an entrepreneur and a Affiliate marker.

I and my team of world class coaches, helps individuals and business owners dominate the online market place and scale their business online.

This book is NOT about making sales

This book is not about getting more people to your business

This book is not even about running ads

Beyond all of this, This book IS ABOUT taking you on a journey that will

help you understand how to structure your products or services in such a way that will allow you make two to three times more money from your business, if you follow NOT some, but ALL the timeless secrets I will

expose to you in this book, you will be able to turn your business into a sales and marketing machine that allows you to do more than your competitors, acquire unlimited number of new loyal customers and more importantly serve more people.

That's what this book is about.



Like I promised we will go straight to the point and no long talk

This package contains several files, here is how you will navigate through.

After reading this one, there are others you will equipped your self with for FREE, which you will find on my WhatsApp catalogue, you can START with Instagram Ads, then move to Facebook Ads, then digest OFFER CRFEATION and Facebook Ads Mistakes.

This e-book is easy to understand and I will be with you every step of the way, If at any point in time you after reading you are confused about ANYTHING just send me an email at

There is something you must understand before we kick off.

It will not be easy, it will take hard work and dedication from YOU. It will require you to believe 100% in your product or service and it will require you to back your belief with measurable financial investment to market it to the world!



I'll be very direct and go straight to the point here so you understand.

If you have any questions in the end, please ask.

In order to run a successful Advertisement (Ads) online you need three things basically.

πŸ‘‰1. Good image or video content

πŸ‘‰2. Attention grabbing HEADLINE and COPY

πŸ‘‰3. A clear call to action.


Most people before they run ads are not really serious with the kind of image or video they show people.

The quality and design of the image or video you're using must be top notch and precise if not people will not take you seriously, they will just see you as another joker on the streets of social media.

The image you're using MUST clearly pass a message people and they must

be able to understand at a glad what your ad is all about.

Let me show an example.πŸ‘‡

This two images have the same write-up EXACTLY but the design direction is totally different.

Now let me ask you a question, if you were to choose between these two
images which one would you have chosen?
You already know the answer in your mind ...
Ehnnn you!

You will choose number 1!
Why is because it is more beautiful, the use of fonts is nice and it clearly
passes a message.
Unlike the second one..that one is just πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. I'm sure you understand

Same thing applies when you want to use a video.
The video quality must be good.
It must pass a clear message
And have a clear call to action (CTA), I will explain this point better when we get there.



In this section we will talk about the importance of a catchy headline and using a very good copy

I earlier mentioned that the need for what ever you are presenting to people has
to stand out, this cannot be overemphasized, there are a lot of contents dragging for the same attention you want online and so for you to beat competition and render the powerless to your ads, your headline has to scream so loud that they can't ignore the call!

The when they come, your COPY then keeps them engaged so they can read
to the end and the take the desired action.
They don't relate at all and don't forget it's social media, people come there to relax have fun and just be "social"
Now lets talk about how to create a good HEADLINE.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If you are about to create content for your social media, your goal is probably
for your content to be consumed by an interested audience who will
probably talk about it with friends. Yet, if you write the most valuable, thought-provoking, earth-shattering content or blog post— and no one reads it – it’s not very likely that your audience will interact with your content.

Knowing how to write a catchy headline can be the difference between you and your competition, so let’s take a look at the steps required to write a
catchy headline.


1. Know your audience.
Keep your audience in mind when drafting a headline. The world’s most shocking title may contain the words “sex,” “lies,” and “videotape,” but it could be a complete turn-off to an audience of monks or conc religious people.

2. SEO optimize.
SEO means Search Engine Optimization (Google), when we first started, I took
you people from Instagram to google and you saw how your bio on Instagram was showing on google. So when you’re writing your content, you must consider how it will show up on google, here are a few tips that will help you be on the same page with Google.

Include a “focus keyword” (i.e the main topic that your content revolves
around, for example marketing, event, hotels, sales etc) to help your writing
to get discovered in search engines. Build the headline around the most important keyword in your written text and ensure that it is fewer than 70 characters. 
Additional words are considered too long for Google to index.

3. Create a knowledge vacuum.
A headline that leaves the reader wanting more has done its job, the headline should not give the entire information, it is meant to draw attention and leave them hungry for more. Take this one for example: “These Pieces Of Advice Found On Instagram Could Change Your Life.” Does it make you want
more? Does it intrigue you? Your readers will probably look for more
information in the rest of your article.

4. Solve a problem.
After reading a headline, readers may wonder, “Why should I read on?” Many
decide to do so because they believe from the title of the post that you, the
author, can solve their problem. Consider the headline of this post; perhaps
you are reading with the hope it will solve your headline-writing problem?!

5. Use numbers.
People love numbers, especially in headlines. Numbers are something we
know and feel comfortable with; they give us a sense of familiarity and advise
our brains on how long an article may take to read. With numbers we can justify the exchange of information for our time – especially with numbers that describe how many points will be covered. 

For example: “10 Ways to cook eggs that your mother never told you about.”… Hope you understand.

6. Cheat!.
Yes, you heard right. Don’t be afraid to look for inspiration wherever you can, all your contents don’t have to be 100% original. You can form a publication, review older contents and look for examples that you know would work with your audience and tweak them., a website that repackages content that is already available, does a great job of writing compelling headlines.

7. Use technology.
There is a tool called Portent’s Content Idea Generator, and it is a piece of brilliance. Plug in your topic or focus keyword into the little text box, hit a button, and bam – out pops a catchy headline in less time than one minute
and seven seconds. At the very least, it could trigger ideas.

I have also taken time to put together simple formular for creating catchy headlines with examples. I’ll first introduce you to useful words you can use then ill show you the formula plus example.


1. ADJECTIVES: [ Absolute / Accidental / Amazing / AttentionGrabbing /
Beautiful / Big / Brilliant! Clever! Controversial / Crazy! Damn Good / Delicious
/ Disturbing / Easy / Efficient / Effortless / Epic / Essential / Fab / Fantastic /
Fascinating / Fearless / Free / Fun / Gorgeous / Incredible / Indirect / Insane /
Irresistible / Juicy / Key / Kick-Ass / Little / Little Known / Mind-Blowing !
Modern ! New / Outrageous! Painstaking / Powerful / Proven /
Recommended / Required / Scary / Savvy / Seriously / Shocking ! Simple /
Sleek / Snazzy / Spectacular / Spiffy / Stealworthy / Strange / Stunning /
Successful / Surprising /Terrible / Trendy /Trust-Building ! UnbelievableUseful ! Useless / Valuable / Winning]

2. NOUNS: [Areas / Components / Concepts / Do's and Don'ts / Examples /
Facts / Forms / Ideas / Ingredients / Lessons / Lies ! Marks / Mistakes /
Methods / Metrics / Principles / Questions / Reasons / Recipes / Resources /
Rules / Steps ! Stages / Secrets / Statistics / Strategies / Skills / Sins /Tactics
/Tips /Tricks / Techniques ! Templates / Tools ! Types / Ways / The #-Step
Process ]

3. ACTIONS/ CTA’S : [Apply / Ask / Be / Beautify / Become! Benefit / Break /
Bring ! Build ! Create / Combine / Decide / Discover / Do / Double (Triple)/
Drive / Eliminate / Engage / Enhance / Exclude / Fail ! Fix / Gain ! Generate /
Get / Get Rid of / Have / Illustrate / Improve / Include / Increase / Keep / Learn
/ Make / Maintain / Manage / Master! Manipulate / Maximize / Meet / Move /
Optimize / Overcome / Perform ! Play / Prepare / Produce / Promote / Prove /
Save (Time)/ Search / Set / Shape / Show / Start / Spice Up! Think /Try This!
Use / Write ]

4. GUIDE/ DEFINITIONS: [101 / An Easy / A Step-by-Step /The Advanced /The
Beginner's / The Complete /The Definitive / The Essential / The Fun and User-
Friendly / The Ultimate !The Short !The Simple ]

5. POSITIVE WORDS: [Always / Best / Biggest / Easiest / Ever / Fastest /
Funniest / Greatest / Hottest / Largest / Most / Perfect / Strongest /Top]

6. NEGATIVE WORDS: [Avoid / By No Means / Don't / Never! None / Nothing /No One / No Way / Worst / Stop ]


1. Number + Adjective + Noun + Keyword + Reward
E.g 6 simple formulas to write a catchy headline in 2 mins.
2. How to + action + keyword + reward
E.g How to write a catchy headline for any blog post
3. Definition + guide to + action + keyword + reward
An easy guide to writing a catchy headline in under 2mins
4. Positive word + Number + noun + keyword + reward/detail
E.g The strongest 21 rules in digital marketing that increases revenue by
5. Negative word + action + keyword + call to action
E.g Stop worrying about a good headline and use this formula
Overall, a catchy headline should speak directly to the part of the brain that
subconsciously cares. However, a catchy headline is nothing without quality,
thoughtful, engaging content that is shared and loved.

Remember: that’s the reason we wanted the catchy headline in the first place. And until we start reading from the bottom up, catchy headlines are here to stay.

The COPY in relation to ads is every other TEXT you use on your ads including you headline

Yes, your headline to is a form of COPY
Copy is the short form for COPYWRITING

Now what is COPYWRITING?

Copywriting is basically selling with words
It is 80% selling and 20% writing.
Let me show you exactly what I mean
Let's take a look at this image I shared earlier.

Good NEWS!
Finally, your favourite Chinese vendor is
now at your doorstep!
No shipping fees, no clearance fees
Get your items delivered in 3days
CTA: Follow link to learn more.
This is all the text used in that
All these text are called COPIES

Now you have to be very intentional about this your COPY because after your headline grabs their attention, it is the strength of your copy that makes them stay.
It has to be clear, drive curiosity and leave people hungry for more until they take the desired action.
The headline grabs them by the throat and then the copy drags them to take
the desired action that you want them to.

COPYWRITING is another course on its own but I'm just touching it on the surface as it an important part of a SUCCESSFUL ads.

Let me show you an example:πŸ‘‡

The arrow shows the HEADLINE
The blue box shows the COPY
The red box shows the CALL TO ACTION.
This now brings us to the 3rd point:

The call to action is simple but very important because after you've grabbed
peoples attention with your headline, and keep them engaged with the COPY
the CALL TO ACTION now tells them WHAT TO DO NEXT!
Because at this point people are already hungry for what you or your
business have to offer.
So for the example I showed you, I direct people to follow a link to join the
winning team!

Your call to action can be different based on the structure and the objective
of the ads you're running.
But Ultimately you CTA must clearly tell people what to do in order to get what you're offering.

P.S Learn 14 Global Skills And 56 Ways To Profit From Them. Sign Up Here πŸ‘‡

This is all about it, if you have any question you can ask here


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