Now we are on Offers, its is a game changer! At this point you already know what to sell, you're in business but, your ability to craft offers that help you sell is what keeps you in business.

You have to be able to identify your buyers single most pervasive and persistent hair-on-fire problem and then offer them the single most valuable and immediate solution that solves that problem with ease for them.

The one UNBREAKABLE rule of marketing that can ensure your business and success is that you have to sell what people want to buy, as elementary as this sounds you won't believe how many supposedly smart, university-educated people in business don't understand this.

Ask yourself this question?

What is the market starving for?

Once you've done your research and have decided what people REALLY wants then sell it to them with offers, don not try to convince yourself that what you're selling is good enough...Good enough is not okay.

I have trained over 1000+ business owners on advertising and sales and i have noticed that some common problems when it comes to sales which is, most business owners spend tens of thousands developing a product or service before they've even done deep market research or even put their offer together, when their product arrives they then try to mold their sales pitch to fit the product thereby castrating their sales before they even start.

It's wrong!


The correct thing to do is to prepare your sales pitch/offer after knowing what the market wants. You have to always give the market what they are starving for.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about creating an irresistible offer that your dream buyer can't refuse.

Your offer is the most important element in your entire sales message.

Your Offer has to be SWEET!.....Diabetically SWEET!

The sweeter your offer, the more people are going to buy.

The next big question your mind is itching to know is WHAT IS AN OFFER?

An offer is the single most powerful, most effective and the most profit generating strategy ever discovered in business that if done right can help you create a money making machine right within your business framework.

An offer is different from the normal thing you post on your platforms daily, for people to come and buy, your audience, your customers are tired of always seeing the same thing from you every single day, its boring to them, they don't connect with it anymore and they quickly scroll away or worse go to your competitor who is giving them offers.

There is a popular saying that "Your don't make the same mistake twice and expect different results "- It doesn't happen! You have been on the same routines and you're not making enough sales that you're happy with, you feel its not adding up. I understand, lets try something different...OFFERS!


We have talked about the WHAT and the WHY, now lets talk about the


How to create irresistible offers

At this point, please hold on.

Grab a bottle of cooooold pepsi because this part is where all the change you want will happen, this is where the magic happens.

Now grab a book and pen and keep them beside you while I take you on this journey

Let's look at two examples, one physical product and one service based


1.) Digital Service Based Product

The case study here will be FOUNDR.

FOUNDR is s the go-to resource for helping entrepreneurs and business owners build leading businesses. They launched a campaign to teach business owners how to run highly profitable YOUTUBE ADS. The kind of offer they are giving is what I want to draw your attention to, in this case,

the ONLY product is YOUTUBE ADS COURSE, every other thing is an offer

that was added to make purchasing the course IRRESISTIBLE!!!

See how they went about it in the next page


This is the guy teaching the Facebook Ads, a 1hr consulting session with this guy costs $3,500 DOLLARS

The main product

here is the



COURSE, but look

at all they are

offering together

with it.🖕

Now look at the
price for both the
Youtube Ads
course and ALL
they are offering,
only a mad persond
won't jump in on
the offer!


2.) Physical product.

In this example we will look at the offer dominos and a mattress made.

Very simple but powerful and actionable offers.

1. Dominos: Dominos Pizza once said in one of their adverts that

" Your Pizza will be delivered in 30mins....... or it's FREE".

I want you to take some time to think about that statement. This offer doesn't affect the price of that product but its addressing the "problem"which is a major concern when it comes to delivery... Timeliness!

You will agree with me that the offer for timely delivery or refund is extremely crazyyyy and it eliminates all objection to sales

2. Casper mattress: This is their offer "Get America's best-reviewed

mattress, delivered to your door for FREE, for a 120-night trial"

This offer alone brought $600 million into their business.

I'm sure you understand what an offer looks like now. 👌

Now grab your book and biro again..

I want you to come up with the most powerful offer you can put down in writing. Your offer doesn't have to be on everything you sell, it could be on your best selling item or a few, now that you have written your offer.



Now it's down on paper, start pulling it down to something that won't make SARS arrest you or something that won't make someone sue you to court

The point is, you have to be able to deliver on your offer, so now adjust and pull down the offer to something you can deliver on but, if your offer doesn't scare you....Then it's not strong enough.

The idea of a compelling offer is to remove all friction/objection and make it absolutely easy for your prospects to buy from you. Make your offer so great that only a mad person will refuse to buy from you.

7 major components of an irresistible offer

1. Rationale: Compelling offers begins with clear and credible explanation of why you are making such an outrageously generous

offer, whatever your reason is for creating such an amazing, jaw-dropping offer, make it very clear to ensure your offer is believable

2. Build Value: Be clear about what the normal price is based on, i.e the usual everyday price, this can be what you or even your competition charges normally, then review your discount in a way that makes you their messiah.

3. Pricing: Your offer must have a price but, the KEY is to offer a low end price that will get you the maximum amount of new customers. You can even offer an introductory product or service that you're willing to sell or give away at a loss in order to get new customers and make money from them in the future.


4. Payment Options: Know your customers and have multiple and flexible payment options.

5. Premiums: Premiums are FREE gifts that your customers receive alongside the products they are buying, this doesn't necessarily have to cost you anything, it could even be value based.

6. Power guarantee: You shouldn't joke with guarantees, the stronger your guarantee, the better. The role of a guarantee is to reverse the risk, take it away from the customer and place it on your business, that way they have nothing to worry about when dealing with you.

7. Scarcity: If there's no scarcity, it might not really sell well, think about it, people are actually lazy and like to procrastinate, so if there's nothing to compel them to take immediate action they might never buy from

you, that's where scarcity comes in. Here are some examples of scarcity.

•Having expiration dates

•Countdown Clock

•Only X amount left

•Buy better X to avoid Y or increased price

Once you have made your offer as irresistible as humanly possible, then

make sure your copy is tightly written, the need for you to labor over crafting your offer cannot be overemphasized, if your offer is set up and well structured every other thing becomes very easy.

If you follow these steps and do them well you would have just created a money multiplying machine.

Now get to it! 🤗

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