Hello, my name is Mrs. Iredia... Before we get started I wanted to introduce myself and let you know what this book is about and most importantly what it's NOT about. I sale digital marketing products, am an entrepreneur and a Affiliate marker. I and my team of world class coaches, helps individuals and business owners dominate the online market place and scale their business online. This book is NOT about making sales This book is not about getting more people to your business This book is not even about running ads Beyond all of this, This book IS ABOUT taking you on a journey that will help you understand how to structure your products or services in such a way that will allow you make two to three times more money from your business, if you follow NOT some, but ALL the timeless secrets I will expose to you in this book, you will be able to turn your business into a sales and marketing machine that allows you to do more than your competitors, acquire unlimited number of new lo...